Alhambra Tickets
Tickets Details:
- For reasons of preservation and quality of the visit the number of daily tickets to the Alhambra is limited.
- Due to high demand and limited the number of visitors per day are recommended to purchase them in advance.
- The tickets are valid for the day they were acquired.
- The maximum number of entries is 10 entries per person and day.
- The hours of access to different parts of the Alhambra will be governed according to the ticket typesthat has been acquired and can be Day (Morning or afternoon) or Night.
- Is printed on the ticket when entering the Nazaríes Palaces. This time must be strictly respected, otherwise you lose the right of access to them without appropriate refund of the price paid.
- It is advisable to collect your reservation at least one hour before the time of entry to the Palacios Nazaríes.
Las Entradas de la Alhambra están incluidas en nuestras Visitas Guiadas:
If you are hiring or have hired a regular visit to the Alhambra and the Generalife, on this website, NO NEED TO BUY THE TICKET, since this type of tour INCLUDES: Tickets + Transport + Official Guide.
- From our pages, you can book all kinds of visits. More information here.
he maximum number of entries, you can buy a person a day, is 10 entries.
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Alhambra Regular
Join a Group - We left every day in the morning to visit the Alhambra and the Generalife.
Alhambra Granada
Alhambra Entertainment
In addition to his visit to the Alhambra, enjoy a flamenco show, an Arab bath, ...
Alhambra Schools
The educational tour given by guide-educators will be adapted to the level of the students.